District Caribbean Conference Cruise

12 Jan. 2025 |
Current price: The fares for 2 persons in a cabin are $95.61 per person per night for an inside cabin, $119.75 per person per night for a balcony cabin, and $157.03 per person per night for a Mini-Suite.
For a cabin of 4 the rates are $57.89 per person per night in an inside cabin, $69.96 per person per night in a balcony, and $88.61 per person per night in a mini-suite.
Right now the 3rd and 4th passenger in your cabin enjoy complimentary cruise fare and merely pay the port taxes/fees per person of $141.24. To lock in your cabin # and these extraordinary rates for this 7 night cruise all you need is to pay a $99 refundable deposit per person.
See the attachment for Cruise Application
This price includes all food, entertainment, registration for the District Annual Conference, opportunities for international service with fellow Rotarians, taxes and fees.