My goodness, how time does fly! With my wife Janie, we have visited 40 clubs in just under 2 months of leading and learning about the great qualities of our District. We have had the pleasure of meeting and serving with a wonderful bunch of Rotarians during our visits. They are doing the good works of service to their communities.
One point I would like to draw attention to is the matter of entering goals in Rotary Club Central. We could do and be much better. To date, just 27 clubs out of 61 in the District have entered goals, which is a pretty low average. As I talk with the clubs I find they have goals but they have not entered them. Please do. Every club ought to have measurable goals that will help them know how well they are doing, particularly in the areas of membership, foundation and public image. When each club improves, we all improve.
Create Hope in the World; together, we can make a difference!