Plano West Rotary Club has been supporting the city’s Adopt-a-Highway Project for 6 years this December. The project was initiated by Rotarian Glen Thornton in December 2017, and the first clean-up service project was January 2018. The club’s assigned stretch of roadside is Avenue K between Spring Creek Parkway and Parker Road. 
One of Rotary’s main areas of focus is protecting the environment, and the Avenue K clean-up does just that. It’s also a great way for Rotarians to meet other like-minded community volunteers and spend a few hours making our city a better place to live. 
“This [project] is always very popular with school-age kids that need service hours. This introduces the kids to Rotary and to doing community service,” said Glen. 
On Saturday, Nov. 18, at the club's most recent clean-up, 10 volunteers worked with Glen and his wife, Michelle, altogether serving a total of 26 service hours and collecting 8 large bags of refuse from along the road.
Bravo, Thorntons and Plano West Rotary!