59.040.1. Selection of Representatives
Each district is encouraged to select as its representative to the Councils the best-qualified eligible Rotarian available for such service who is well-informed about current Rotary policies, procedures and programs.
While it is the right of the clubs in each district to elect
whom they will, it is stressed that representatives to the Councils should be elected on the
basis of their ability to carry out the representatives’ defined duties and not on the basis of
their personal popularity within the district, and that the role of representative should be
viewed as a serious and responsible position and not simply a perquisite of having served
as governor. (September 2016 Mtg., Bd. Dec. 28)
59.040.2. Training of Representatives
To ensure full participation in the Council on Legislation proceedings, all representatives
shall participate in online training prior to attending the Council on Legislation. All
representatives are also required to attend training provided at the zone institutes in the
year of the Council on Legislation regarding the operation and procedures of the Council.
Representatives who do not complete the online training as well as the training at the zone
institute shall not be funded by Rotary to attend the Council on Legislation, unless excused
by the Council on Legislation chair. (September 2016 Mtg., Bd. Dec. 28)
Selection of the District Council on Legislation Representative per 5810 MOP
  1. When Elected
At the district conference two years prior to the year in which the Council on Legislation will be held, the District shall hold an election to determine the representative of the district to that council and also to select the alternate representative.
  1. Eligibility
The representative selected must be a member of a club. The representative shall have served a full term as an officer of Rotary International at the time of election. However, upon certification by the Governor, and the concurrence of the President of Rotary International that no past officer is available in the district, a Rotarian who has served less than a full term as Governor or the Governor-Elect may be elected.
  1. Nominations
  1. The District Governor shall notify the clubs in the December Governor's letter that nominations from the clubs for representative of the District on the Rotary International Council on Legislation must be received by the District Governor not later than midnight on January 31st.
  1. Any club in the district may nominate for membership on the council a qualified member of the club (who has indicated that he/she is able and willing to serve if elected) and shall certify in writing, over the signature of the president and secretary, such nomination to the District Governor for presentation by him/her to the electors of the clubs at the District Conference.
  1. The District Governor shall notify the clubs in the February Governor's letter of the names of those nominated.
  1. Unopposed Nominee
If there is only one nominee in the district, no ballot shall be required and the District Governor shall declare such nominee to be the district's representative on the council.
  1. Balloting
Balloting at the District Conference shall be in accordance with Article 5 of the District 5810 Manual of Procedure.
  1. Results of Balloting
The candidate receiving the highest number of votes shall be the member of the Council from the district. The candidate receiving the second highest number of votes shall be declared the alternate member, to serve only in the event the member is unable to serve. In the event neither the member nor the alternate member, if one has been elected, is able to serve, the seated District Governor may designate some other member of a club of this district qualified under the provisions of Section 4.2 of this Article to be the representative of the district on the Council.
  1. Notice
  1. Immediately following their selection, the names of the Representative and the alternate representative of the District on the Council shall be reported by the District Governor to the General Secretary.
  1. To qualify for service at the council, the representative must be informed of the qualifications and submit to the General Secretary a signed statement that the Rotarian understands the qualifications, duties and responsibilities of a representative; is qualified, well, and able to assume and perform faithfully such duties and responsibilities; and will attend the meeting for its full duration.