Suicide Prevention and Brain Health Rotary eClub members have joined with the Texas A&M Commerce Counseling Center and Department of Health and Human Performance team to plan and support the first Rural Mental Health Forum for surrounding counties to be held at the Fletcher Warren Civic Center in Greenville, Texas, on Tuesday, March 21 from 830am-4pm.
The focus of this forum is to bring together stakeholders across multiple disciplines as well as concerned citizens to discuss issues related to mental health availability, affordability and acceptability in the Northeast Texas Regional area. The format will include a keynote presentation, panel discussion and round table strategy sessions to understand our current state and available resources as well as discuss needed services and resources that can be developed to improve access and reduce stigma associated with seeking help. By the end of the day, we hope to have short term action plans that can be implemented and communicated as well as plans for continued collaboration for longer term efforts. Resources from multiple organizations will be available at the forum. Continental breakfast and lunch will be provided.
Registration is available at no cost via Eventbrite at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/rural-mental-health-forum-tickets-541640038937 or via QR code on attached flyer.
For more information, please contact the SPBH Rotary eClub at spbhrotary@gmail.com or Shirley Weddle at 972-890-7227.