Welcome to the Public Image Club Toolbox Resource Page


Meet our Public Image Team

Public Image Chair - Mark Neace, mark@synclabmedia.com
Webmaster/ Social Media Manager - Pam Blankenzee, pr@rotary5810.org
Audio/Visual - Glen McCrary, glenem72@cs.com
DG Aide - Happy Franklin



The Content on the left of this page is designed to help you promote your Club - around the District, in your Community and at Rotary International.


Additional resources: 


Rotary Brand Center 

Create Club Logo & brochure using template, access the Rotary People of Action Campaign, download Rotary logos, images, videos and ads. Must log-in to My Rotary (free account) to access the Brand Center.


Tools for Creating Content

Canva - a free online tool to create graphics in your desktop browser for Facebook Posts, newsletters, website
Animoto - a free online video creator
Adobe Creative Cloud Express - a free online video creator