As many of you know, February’s is Peacebuilding and Conflict Prevention Month.  Rotary has been dedicated to peace building since the early days of Rotary and Paul Harris was a major leader for this.  Check out the articles in this month’s Rotary Magazine.  A subscription is included in your RI dues.  You have an option of having it mailed to you, or you can download the magazine from the website or read it on line, if you wish.  Here’s the link (note you may have to log in 1st, thin click the link(:  Magazines | My Rotary
This would be a great time to take a course at the Rotary Positive Peace Academy.  It’s free!  Click on this link after you log in on My Rotary.  (Rotary Positive Peace Academy)
In mid-December several of us from 5810 went to India to look at the results of the grant projects done by the McKinney Club.  Two of the grants were for 10 dialysis machines in 2 hospitals dedicated to the treatment of indigent people.  The dialysis treatments saved over 1,000  people so far.  We also visited a facility for indigent physically and emotionally challenged women.  That grant was for equipment for a print shop and sewing machines.  With this equipment these women earn money that helps support the facility that gives them a place to live, clothes to wear and food to eat. Visiting these facilities Was very inspiring and reminded me of the great work that Rotarians do around the world!  It was also an opportunity to build relationships with other Rotarians.  Thank you, CC. Chamakala for organizing this trip.
A reminder that it isn’t too late, yet, for club Presidents Elect and Presidents Nominees to sign up for Lone Star PETS.  Do it today! Just click on this link Home Page | Lone Star PETS or the one on the 5810 website.  Training is at the DFW Hyatt Regency Hotel from February 23-26.
Every year it seems that many clubs have not selected their PEs and PNs in time for PETS.  Why do clubs wait so long to select them?  Why not start the process in July instead of January?  Does your club have a succession plan for your officers & committee chairs; for the health of your club, make one now!  This way your PEs and PNs have more time to plan and recruit committee chairs and members and the club will have a smoother transition to each new Rotary Year.  And remember, even if you have been president multiple times things change and Rotary evolves.  There are new things to learn every year and PETS continues to improve based input from participants in previous years. 
Top Reasons to select next Rotary Year’s PEs and PNs in July:
  1. It gives these individuals more time to learn the jobs.
  2. They have more time to talk to the current and past presidents and get their wisdom on how to be a Club President.
  3. There is more time to work with the club leadership and the members to plan the next year.
  4. If your club has no strategic plan, there is time to go through that process.
  5. They have time to take on-line courses in the Learning Center on the RI website.
  6. They have more time to recruit replacements for key club positions, if needed.
  7. If they sign up early for Lone Star PETS, it is less expensive.  (Note the club should budget to pay to send least President Elect, and preferably the President Elect to PETS.)
This is to notifying you that only one qualifying nomination was received per Article 4.3.1 of the District MOP. Therefore, Per Article 4.4 of the MOP, I declare that PDG John Moser is our District Representative to the International Council on Legislation.!
Club Leadership Training Assembly has been scheduled for March 25th at Collin College Plano Campus, 2800 E Spring Creek Pkwy from 8:30 AM to noon.  See the District website Events calendar.  Register here.
Remember the Major Donor Dinner on February 9th.  See the District website Events calendar.  All are invited.  Please sign up and come.  It will be a great event!
There are 5 months left in the Rotary Year!  Imagine Rotary!  Think big and take action!