Please note that there is no round table this month!
I don't know about you, but it is amazing to me that we are starting the last quarter of the Rotary year, and the velocity will increase going towards June 30th! Paul Harris's birthday is April 19th, and he would have been 155 this year.  Wish him a Happy Birthday at you're next event or club meeting!  Also, this month is Environmental Month. 
Environmental is a relatively new Rotary Area of Focus and I don't see many clubs in our district doing this type of project.  Please plan an event or project for April 22nd, Earth Day!  Did you know that EarthX, and environmental Expo, is being held at Fair Park from Wednesday April 19th until Sunday April 23rd.  Admission is free!  This is a great opportunity for our clubs in many ways.
  • Learn more about environmental projects your clubs could do or participate with other organizations to do one.
  • Learn more about products that could be used in an environmental project locally or globally.
  • Wear your Rotary attire and let people know that Rotarians are also interested in the environment at EarthX.  You may even find a new member.
  • Enter your project in the EcoContest by April 10th at Eco Contest.
  • Friday afternoon, 4/21 see Past RI President Mark Maloney receive an award for adding Environmental as the 7th Area of Focus.  5790 PDG & Past 25 & 26 Zone Director Past President Don Mebus  will also be there.
If you want to learn more go to Earthx2023 - The World's Largest Green Gathering!
The District goal for membership is a net 100.  You are well on your way to getting there!  Are you doing everything you can to retain members?  Is your club growing?  Don’t stop now!  Keep finding and attracting those “Rotarians who don’t know they’re Rotarians”.  The world, our communities and your clubs need them to address the many challenges we have!  Need help, contact our Membership Team Leader, Kathleen Klaviter.
Presidents, have you input your goals into Rotary Club Central? (Sorry, I had to ask!)  Are you update on inputting you club data and progress on your goals In Rotary Club Central?  Work on it now and save stress in June! 
The District Goal for Annual Fund Giving is $300K. The Stop Polio Now Goal is $100K.  We are close but still have a ways to goal.  Note if you submit donations after June 1st, they may not be recorded until after July 1st, which means the money won’t come back for another Rotary year from the Annual Fund!  Also, the Gates Foundation matching funds will be less for the coming year.  But there is still time to give!  Please do!
Annual Fund         $88.81/member        $216,790      6 non-giving clubs
Polio Plus             $35.56/member        $86,796        26 non-giving clubs
Another issue is, some clubs have not paid the RI and District mid-year dues for new members added after between July 1st and December 31st.  Also, a small number of others haven’t paid the District invoice from the beginning of the Rotary year.  Non-payment can result in losing your charter.  Please make these payments soon! 
Our next Roundtable will be May 13th,  Yes, no meeting in April!
There are 3 months left in the Rotary Year!  Imagine Rotary!  Think big and take action!