Welcome to District 5810 - North Texas

Are you an established professional who wants to make positive changes in your community and the world? Our members are dedicated people who share a passion for community service and friendship. Becoming a Rotarian connects you with a diverse group who share your drive to give back. Founded back in 1911, District 5810 has grown to 62 clubs with 2300+ Rotarians scattered around 8 counties in the Northern part of Texas. Find a Club in North Texas.

News Around The District
81 of us are back on land after our amazing Annual Conference International Service Cruise to Roatan, Honduras and Cozumel, Mexico on the Regal Princess.  We had so much fun together while enjoying presentations and 2 days of service projects and deliveries, including 272 pounds/5 suitcases in Roatan and 25 filled backpacks and 37 wheelchairs in Cozumel. 
This year, Rotary celebrates 120 years of service and impact! This is a milestone worth sharing, and we invite your Club to be part of the celebration by showcasing how you make a difference in your community.
Campaign Dates: February 1-29, 2025  Goal: Showcase how Rotary Clubs are making a difference in their communities!
This International Women's Day, March 8, 2025 let's come together to celebrate the incredible strength, resilience, and achievements of women worldwide! We invite all Rotarian women to participate in our special campaign by sharing a photo of themselves proudly wearing their Rotary shirts. Let's showcase the power and unity of women within the Rotary family!
How to Participate:
  1. Put on your favorite Rotary shirt and Rotary (Women in Rotary) pin.
  2. Strike a pose that reflects your strength and passion. 
  3. Snap a photo (Use the WOMEN IN ACTION Canva Template Design)  and share it on your social media on March 8th, with the hashtags #District5810Proud #RotaryWomenRock #WomenInRotary 
  4. Share it with the District (pr@rotary5810.org) so we too can promote District 5810 Women in Rotary! 
Meet The Governor
DG Regina Edwards
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Speakers Bureau
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Feb. 27- Mar. 2
Lone Star PETS
April 19, 2025
District 4-Way Test Contest
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